The Effects Of Mixing Milk And Coca-Cola
May 16, 2015 #home
By Kayla Dalsfoist

Coca-Cola and milk are two seemingly innocuous substances that we all probably have in our kitchens. When they are combined, however, they produce something I didn't anticipate. Watching this video made the contents of my stomach churn a little bit, but it was so fascinating that that I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen.

According to the YouTube video description, the reason these two liquids react to each other in this way is because the phosphoric acid molecules in Coke adhere themselves to the milk, which creates a dense solid. That solid separates from the liquid and sinks to the bottom of the container. The coagulate is essentially curdled milk, and looks about as appetizing as it sounds.

There has been an observed connection between high soda intake and increased risk of bone fractures, but it wasn't until recently that theories about why this might happen have surfaced. According to WebMD, the increased occurrence of osteoporosis in frequent soda drinkers was previously attributed to those people drinking soft drinks instead of calcium-rich beverages like milk or orange juice. However, recent studies have shown that the phosphoric acid in colas may reduce bone density. There is still more research to be done, however, so we'll see what future studies reveal. In the meantime, to counteract potential bone loss, it's important to increase calcium intake in your diet.

Watch this experiment in the video below, and be sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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