Here at SF Globe we absolutely love sharing life hacks that save you time and money, but we also want to make sure that the tips and tricks we recommend actually work. Melissa from Clean My Spot understands this concern, and in this informative video she tests four different methods for cleaning scorch marks off of pots and pans. The cleaning supplies in question are ketchup, cream of tartar, baking soda and Barkeeper's Friend, all put to the test on both stainless steel and cast iron pans. After giving each cleaning supply ample time to soak on the scorch marks, she scrubs with a non-scratch sponge then records the results.
After reviewing the outcome of each experiment, Melissa ranks each method on a scale of 1-10, then gives her personal opinion on which is the most effective. While we don't want the spoil the surprise and tell you which won, we can see the merits of each of the products used. Watch the competition heat up in the video below, and be sure to let us know which of these methods, if any you've tried in your kitchen. As always, we're also open to hearing suggestions for other cleaning materials for these pesky scorch marks.