How To Make Giant DIY Bubbles!
June 13, 2015 #home
By Liz Owen

Summer is coming. To children and to the childless, those words are music to the ears. Long hot days, warm breezy nights - time seems to slow down from May until September. And that is why the phrase "summer is coming" sounds ominous to parents' ears.

Right around the beginning of May, many parents start to have nightmares about how they're going to keep their kids occupied for three months. That collective roar you hear on the last day of school isn't just shouts of joy from gleeful kids - it's also shrieks of despair from parents who see three long months of "I'm bored" stretching in front of them.

There are plenty of summer programs in which to enroll kids - sports camps, science camps, outdoorsy camps - the list is almost endless. But if you decide to keep your children at home for a chill summer, it's a good idea to have a few easy-to-do activities to keep boredom at bay. This video gives one idea, and it's super easy! Watch as WhatsUpMoms gives us another great DIY activity - this one involving monster bubbles that will keep your little ones occupied long enough for you to make that cup of coffee!

What did you think of her tutorial? Will you be making these awesome bubbles with your kids this summer? Let us know in the comments, and share with your friends who are parents to give them a helping hand!

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