Home Chef Shows How To Make A Homemade Onion Flower
May 24, 2015 #home
By Johnny Ornelas

There's nothing quite as satisfying as receiving compliments on a recipe that required minimal effort. In this tutorial, yoyomax12 takes us through the super simple process behind making onion flowers. All you need are some red onions, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. After baking them for 25-30 minutes while covered in foil, then an additional 10 while uncovered, the onions will open up into a blossom. From there, they can be served alone or with capers.

She used larger red onions, but I think that smaller ones would also make delightful little garnishes for other dishes. These onion flowers are a quick and easy way to make even the simplest spread look like you spent ages on it, and the fact that they are delicious doesn't hurt either. Let us know if you plan on making these at home and if you have any suggestions for improving this recipe, don't be shy about sharing them with us.

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